Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tailored Jacket - lapels/vents and small bits and pieces

Jacket Journey continues....

The Lapels

The lapels have been set and now resting overnight in order to be shaped . There was fair bit of hand stitching involved and like anything else this was  my first time attempt ever.  Nonetheless it was fun.

1 cm stay tape catchsticthed to fusible interface(woven)

Steamed Lapels left to rest for 1 day
Lapels were fun..obviously the most important part was to ensure that lapels have same width and stay tape is pulled equally into a seam allowance to ensure consistency.
Lapels resting in place  overnight

Sleeve Vents

Ok, I didn't anticipate this step in my jacket construction workflow but it had to happen as I have drafted  the sleeve pattern incorrectly without realising my mistake until today.

My main objective was to get away from mitered corners which(like everything else) I have never attempted before. Luckily today I've decided to join undersleeve to the top sleeve which  made me realise that I had one fold too many for each vent arm/side. This obviously is not a look and it had to be fixed.

Lovely Mitered corner...
 Naturally my sleeve patterns had to be updated. Not sure if I have mentioned before but I drafted my own jacket pattern as I don't use bought patterns.

Error fixed.. Sleeve patterns updated 

The Collar

I have steamed the collar to ensure it has sufficient moisture so it can be shaped on my tailored ham.

And lastly, this is all I have at the moment to update on. There will be more information to come in next few days. I am truly enjoying   construction of this jacket and truly looking forward to the end product. Every minute I have to remind myself to enjoy the journey and not to be focused solely on the end result.

I say "farewell" until next post with  Welt pocket i have managed to complete...truly love this pocket...

bye bye !!!!

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